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PEP 55+ News

By Pastor Susan

We have two big events that require your RSVP.

1. The November Fourth Sunday Meal is on the November 24. We will be meeting at Kim’s Chinese Restaurant. This is a popular event. Please be sure to sign up by Sunday, November 17, if you want to have a seat with the rest of the group. 

2. Save the Date: PEP Christmas Dinner - December 7, 5pm, in Rudat Hall

We’ll have a ham dinner prepared by Rusty Bloomquist and Roger Liebich. There will be a choice of pie for dessert. We will be treated to a musical program by Jon Robertson and crew. The cost for both the dinner and entertainment is $15. RSVP no later than Sunday, November 24.  Tickets will be on sale the beginning of November. 

Check out the PEP bulletin board and brochure for the full schedule of events for November and December. If you have questions, contact Pastor Susan at 825-0184 or

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