Caring for the Neighborhood and Beyond
10600 Coloma Road
Rancho Cordova, CA
(916) 914 - 0279
Welcome to Cordova Neighborhood Church

To the Neighborhood and Beyond
The Hub Online
The online version of The Hub at our church building. For more info, see our Events page.
Pray with Us
How to Pray in February: Church Finances
Pray for wisdom in how we spend incoming money. We want to remain faithful in paying our bills and faith-filled in meeting the needs of ministries and people around us.
Pray for divine provision. Currently, we do not take in enough money each month to fully fund our budget. So we ask for God’s favor providing that in terms of an action plan and open doors.
Pray for CNC attendees to consider what God would have them give. Maybe He’ll touch people’s heart to start giving for the first time or direct others to give a bit more.
Pray for our debt regarding the KidMin building. Let’s ask God to miraculously pay off the $800,000 we owe. And ask God for us to be ready to receive that money.
2 Corinthians 9:8: And God will generously provide all you need.
We gather on Sundays at 11:00AM, both at the church building and online. These gatherings include Bible reading, a message, prayer, singing and on the first Sunday of the month, communion.
Nursery care and children’s classes are available. Children are also welcome to join their parents/guardians in the worship service.
Adult classes for men and women are before the 11am service. Contact Pastor Susan for more information: (916) 825-0184.
The Hub, located in our church Narthex (hallway) has our events posted with audio QR codes that you can scan to have the poster read to you.
Worship with Us
Link live during service only
Contact Us
10600 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
(916) 914 - 0279
Office Hours: Mon - Thurs 9am to 1pm
Rancho Cordova Food Locker Contact
Inez Shedd - 415-574-9642
