Caring for the Neighborhood and Beyond
10600 Coloma Road
Rancho Cordova, CA
(916) 914 - 0279
Thank you for giving to Cordova Neighborhood Church. God provides for the needs of the church through the regular giving of our church family. You can give online using one of the links or see Other Ways to Give below.
If you have questions about giving, email our Bookkeeper, Jessica Davies at
IRS regulations require that designations be non-binding, however they will be honored whenever possible.
Financials: Updated 2-3-25
Giving Last Sunday - $2,434.41
Giving Total for Month - $2,434.41
Needed to Meet Budget - $23,429.97
Other Ways to Give
Give by Text
Text any amount to 916-378-0014.
Give with Auto Pay
To give weekly or monthly, use your bank's bill pay option. Set Cordova Neighborhood Church as the payee and then set the schedule.
Give by Mail
Gifts by check can be mailed to the church office:
Cordova Neighborhood Church
10600 Coloma Road
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Give at Church
We don't pass an offering plate at Cordova Neighborhood; instead, there are two offering boxes in the church lobby.
Offering envelopes are provided in the pew racks. Use an envelope to insure your gift is recorded for tax purposes and to designate how your gift is to be used.
Giving Designations
Offering envelopes have several designations printed on them. Listed below is a fuller description of each designation:
General Giving: This money goes to the General Fund and is used for the operation of the church such as staff salaries, utilities, ministry programs for children, youth and adults, building maintenance and more. The General Fund is critical for sustaining the ministries at Cordova Neighborhood Church.
C&MA Missions Giving: This money is given to the Christian & Missionary Alliance “Great Commission Fund” to support our International Workers worldwide.
Benevolent Giving: This money is used in our community, for C&MA Services, and for people within our congregation who have a financial need. Each month a portion of the benevolent giving is sent to the Rancho Cordova Food Locker and C&MA Services.
Other: This space allows you to give for special projects that are not printed on the envelope such as Christmas Love offerings, special speakers, and event registration. When the Governing Board approves a project, organization, or individual to receive money, you can use this space to designate a donation for one of them.