Let’s sing along with Mamma Mia
PEPers – We have one new event in August; we are going to the Mamma Mia play at the outdoor theater in Old Town Fair Oaks. By the time you read this, we’ll have already bought tickets.
BUT there is still plenty of space. Go online at FairOaksTheatreFestival.com to purchase your ticket for Sunday, August 25. Each ticket is $12 plus $2.10 processing fee.
Or you can go to the barbecue store in Old Town Fair Oaks and buy your ticket there for just the $12 price.
PEPers Are Stepping Up at Biblical Gardens
On Thursday, September 19 we’re going to the Alta Sierra Biblical Gardens and then to Garden Of Eat’n for lunch. Please sign up at the Sign Up board in the church lobby. Remember, the terrain is uneven and not suitable for walkers or canes.
Pick up the newest quarterly brochure for other happenings. Also, the latest information is on the PEP bulletin board and PEP Facebook page.
